Tuesday, March 29, 2011

UBG Campus Tour

Hello all!
I hear it's snowing in Wisconsin right now, in April! A few days back it was around 107˚F over here... Here are just a few pictures from recent happenings at Université Gaston Berger. There aren't many pictures because not much has happened :) A lot of tea drinking, bananagrams, cards, and movie watching when the power isn't out (which is usually more often than not.)

My friend Modou and I at our village's integration party. (My dorm block had a party for all the residents. Shrimp chips and coca cola were served. Tres neex!)

Andrew on his 21st Birthday. Senegalese birthday tradition means for the 24 hours on your birthday anyone and everyone gets to douse you with water. This was right after Joleen got him with a bucket of water.

Joleen, Kate, and I dressed up for the integration night.

Picture of the entrance to my G, or dorm building. I'm second floor off to the left, which means my shower never works because the water never works on the second floor...

In case you were wondering what I kept in my closet...

Pictures of Wisco landscape and painting complete with the Christmas lights my mom sent me in a care package. Unfortunately I forgot about the voltage difference and I plugged them in without using a convertor. They promptly fried. Senegal's energy grid killed Christmas that day. They're still festive so I left them up anyway.

My desk area. I assure you I do no work there :) Usually I just pile stuff on it or use it to write in my journal.

My bed and the all-important Changli Crown Fan. The bed leaves something to be desired on the comfort end of things, but it works.

Probably the two best care packages in the world. My mom brought so much delicious stuff when she came [see: s'mores supplies, pizza and taco kits, cliff bars, peanut butter, mac & cheese, granola, funfetti, pudding, goldfish, tea, and a giant bag of candy. Thanks mom!]

Kate enjoying sandwiches we made for dinner. Complete with vegetables! We all felt sick afterwards because our stomachs forgot how to digest stuff like that...

Three weeks of laundry tied up on my head. All laundry here is done by hand. It's not like I have anything else to do so I don't mind spending 4 hours washing, scrubbing, rinsing, filling up buckets, and the like, but I would say that it's my favorite thing. I prefer naps.

Picture looking back at the Univeristé from the highway while the students were on strike. They blocked the national highway and traffic was backed up for miles. We decided to head to town and hang out while everyone was striking.

Kate and I looking very enthusiastic about the student road block. Since traffic was stopped it was nearly impossible to find a taxi and we had to walk almost to the next town before we found one.

Kate, Joleen, and Juan Carlos (a new UGB student from Penn State for the 2nd semester) all also looking thrilled. Note the bottle of Coke- we made sure to prepare for our desert hike to a taxi by packing pop. An essential supply for any trek.

Kate, Andrew, Pape Laye Dial our wolof Professor, and myself posing for the cover of his wolof grammar book. Lookin' classy, everyone.

Hope all is well! I am currently planning out my Fall 2011-2012 semester schedule so no one worry- I am coming back to the US eventually :)


Monday, March 28, 2011

Magal/General Update

This is only half of the post I wanted to put up, but the internet has been so slow and inconsistent here that it took over an hour to upload these six pictures...

These are all pictures from my trip to Touba. It is the holy city of Mouridism (a brotherhood of Islam) and the burial place of Mouridism's founder, Cheikh Amadou Bamba. Completed in 1963 the mosque is also the site of his tomb.

Every year, millions of Muslims from all over the world make a pilgrimage to Touba (called the Magal), worshipping at the mosque and honouring the memory of Cheikh Amadou Bamba.

The mosque early in the morning.

Day before Magal and people were already pouring in by the thousands by 5am...

The mosque in Touba. (Rich followers will often donate things to help improve the mosque. You can see in this picture that a load of air conditioners has been donated and in the process of being installed.)

Two of the four towers. The one on the right is where the imam sings the call to prayer five times a day.

Inside the mosque where people pray facing east towards Mecca. It was incredibly beautiful and during the Magal, even at 5am, there were so many women praying that it was impossible to walk through.

More prayer space in the mosque.

A look at one of the towers with a few talibé children hanging around
(Talibé are children who attend coranic schools and live with a marabout (religious leader) and usually do not wear shoes and beg for money as a way to learn humility.)

Some ladies with their children walking through the mosque.

I have more pictures I would like to put up but since the internet is being so frustratingly slow I am going to leave that for another time. In other news here's what has been happening on my end of things recently:

  • The strike is finally over!!!! Although to tell you the truth, I was really starting to like not having to do anything for weeks on end. I like to think of it as a 3-month-long vacation. Spring break is coming up soon, although there were rumors that it was going to be canceled because of all of the lost time from the strike. If they took away spring break there would be more strike to bring it back, so I suppose it's in everyone's best interests to just relax and enjoy these next two weeks.
  • Second semester should be starting April 11th, although with the way the school year has been going I'm a little skeptical. I am hopefully going to be taking a few literature classes and maybe a french grammar class. However, if last semester is any indicator, one of my classes won't exist, one will be at the same time as another, and I will not be able to find the third class because they will have changed the room without telling anyone. Gotta love the French system... I'm still teaching english to elementary school children in town every Wednesday and continuing with my wolof classes. Even though the UGB has been on strike most of my time here I have still learned a lot outside of school and I can't even begin to realize what I've subconsciously learned until I get back.
  • Speaking of returning, I am officially coming home July 7th, 2011. It's only about three months away... I try not to think about leaving because mostly it just ends in tears. Senegal is absolutely wonderful and I am going to be very sad having to leave behind such amazing friends. My Senegalese life is quite different from my American one (for example I have four things on my To Do list here and it's really quite stressful.) A life full of sand, 105˚F heat, goats, cafe touba, daily powerouts, wolof, mosquitos, no obligations (except for the very important social obligations) and I am going to miss it quite terribly.
  • The end of winter is upon Senegal (although I'm sure most of you wouldn't agree that what I had to endure could be called winter...) Today was a toasty 100˚F and the mosquitos are starting to come back. This means the battery-powered fan my mom brought me will come in handy because I am sure there will be a spike in the power outages as more people start using their fans and the power grid won't be able to handle it...
  • Other than that, life has be tranquil as usual. I'll be gone from the internet for a while again because I'll be out and about for spring break, but I assure you that I'm staying safe as always!



Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Hi all-

The internet has been down for the past week so I haven't been able to post any pictures. As we speak I am attempting to upload pictures from my trip to the Magal and Touba, but the internet is so slow that they aren't uploading. Hang tight, folks, and when the internet finally gets back to cruising speed i'll get some pictures up. In other news I can write a little bit about what I've been up to for the past little bit:

  • The strike continues... Tomorrow is another student assembly and they will decide whether or not to go on striking. I'm all for the strike because it means naps everyday and a whole lot of time to do whatever I want. In my defense I did actually finish one class from first semester, which is more than most students can say here since they are probably going to have a blank first semester.
  • My mom came to visit! Mom came from March 3-10 we toured Dakar, Gorée island, Langue de Barbarie, Deserts of Lampoul, and Saint-Louis + Campus. Pictures to come soon (if the internet ever decides to work!)
  • I also went on a week long vacation with the UW kids to south eastern Senegal a few weeks back. National parks, mountain top villages, swimming in waterfalls. Pictures of this adventure to come, too, when the internet decides to work.
  • Powerouts and internet failure daily. No running water and the mosquitos are returning. Looks like the end of winter is finally here...

Other than that I seriously have done nothing. Absolutely nothing...
I've got to go drink attaaya (Senegalese tea) with some of my friends, so I'll post more later (not like there's much to post about anyways...)

Pictures to come soon once the internet starts cooperating!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I'm Alive

Hi all-

As you have probably noticed I have been missing for the past month. I have been traveling all around Senegal for the past three weeks so I'll be posting pictures after I drop my mom off at the airport tomorrow morning.

Expect some pictures by the end of the week and I'll work on updating as I can despite the frequent powerouts.
