Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Hi all-

The internet has been down for the past week so I haven't been able to post any pictures. As we speak I am attempting to upload pictures from my trip to the Magal and Touba, but the internet is so slow that they aren't uploading. Hang tight, folks, and when the internet finally gets back to cruising speed i'll get some pictures up. In other news I can write a little bit about what I've been up to for the past little bit:

  • The strike continues... Tomorrow is another student assembly and they will decide whether or not to go on striking. I'm all for the strike because it means naps everyday and a whole lot of time to do whatever I want. In my defense I did actually finish one class from first semester, which is more than most students can say here since they are probably going to have a blank first semester.
  • My mom came to visit! Mom came from March 3-10 we toured Dakar, Gorée island, Langue de Barbarie, Deserts of Lampoul, and Saint-Louis + Campus. Pictures to come soon (if the internet ever decides to work!)
  • I also went on a week long vacation with the UW kids to south eastern Senegal a few weeks back. National parks, mountain top villages, swimming in waterfalls. Pictures of this adventure to come, too, when the internet decides to work.
  • Powerouts and internet failure daily. No running water and the mosquitos are returning. Looks like the end of winter is finally here...

Other than that I seriously have done nothing. Absolutely nothing...
I've got to go drink attaaya (Senegalese tea) with some of my friends, so I'll post more later (not like there's much to post about anyways...)

Pictures to come soon once the internet starts cooperating!


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