Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Hello All!

Now that I have fast, reliable internet source I can upload pictures that I've been meaning to post without waiting 3 hours for them to upload! Here are some pictures from the night that we made s'mores. Khadim, Bobo, Modou, El Hadj, Assane, Wally, and a few others got to enjoy them for the first time despite multiple power outages which forced us to improvise our grilling techniques aka we lit some candles. Everyone loved them! Here are a few pictures from the night:

Two of my bestest friends, Modou Fall and Joleen Csuka chilling out while looking gangsta' rekk

Assane and our friend Eminem not being serious, as usual

Assane and I being goofy

Tea time at Assane's. It's what we do every night. No joke.

Wally drinking attaaya, Senegalese tea.

Trying my hand at making attaaya. I spilled a lot of tea making the foam and didn't measure the water right so only had two glasses for 6 people...

Mutitasking- s'mores and attaaya

Yummy, yummy, s'mores thanks to the marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers my mom brought with!

Our friend Khadim roasting marshmallows on a finely whittled stick over a hot plate. You make do with what you've got!

Mmmmmm marshmallows. The s'mores were a huge hit. It's no wonder since senegalese love their sugar.
It was no surprise to anyone when the power went out ( and on again, and off again, about every 15 minutes for a few hours) so we improvised and roasted the marshmallows over a candle.


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