Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hydrobase: A Weekend Getaway

This past weekend Joleen, Modou, Assane, Wally, El Hadj and a few others from the dorm block headed to Hydrobase beach for a nice end to the weekend. After a few hours of rounding up the folks, we got our group of eight on the road into town and added a few friends along the way. A quest for 15 hard boiled eggs, a jar of mayo, 4 giant baguettes, and 2 kilos of mangos ensued as we tried to feed our group of 10 on the cheap.

El Hadj brought his tent and we set up camp at the beach. The day consisted of watching the boys play soccer, eating egg salad sandwiches, and sand fights and cooling off in the ocean. After a day out in the sun I was completely exhausted, covered in sand, and burnt to a crisp but it was one of the best days I've had here in Senegal. There is nothing better than a day spent in the company of great friends.

Joleen and I before we got too burned

El Hadj, Assane's roommate, hanging out and refereeing the soccer match

Modou playing soccer (which he does in his free time when he's not busy being a basketball star)

Wally looking fly and listening to music beachside

Assane hanging out while playing soccer

Joleen, Modou, and I

Mbacke, El Hadj, and Joleen hanging out in the tent

Preparing of the egg sandwiches and a hoard of hungry boys

The ideal beach snack: mangos. Two bucks for two kilos!

Lutting (a type of wrestling) on the beach amongst all the boys before the soccer game starts up

Where there are boys and an open space, you will find them playing soccer.

Assane reposing after a game of soccer and referee El Hadj taking a break
Joleen in the car rapide we took to get back into town. It's cramped and stops at random but affordably cheap, therefore ideal for the broke college student.

And that concludes our trip to the beach.

My time in Senegal is winding down, which means lots to do before the end of the semester on June 15th. Hope everyone is doing well state-side.

I'll be seeing you all soon, but for now, lots of love!

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